Monday, December 9, 2013

Pretty Girl Designs

Click to enlarge:


  1. Fan since ren and stimpy on sunday mornings! Who doesnt love john k? Even though you made a name with that duo, i will always appreciate your drawings of UFC from the goid days of UFC. "Tank" Abbott has to be my fav. Although I don't remember you doing "polar bear" , he was a favorite of mine.

  2. Fan since ren and stimpy on sunday mornings! Who doesnt love john k? Even though you made a name with that duo, i will always appreciate your drawings of UFC from the goid days of UFC. "Tank" Abbott has to be my fav. Although I don't remember you doing "polar bear" , he was a favorite of mine.

  3. Fan since ren and stimpy on sunday mornings! Who doesnt love john k? Even though you made a name with that duo, i will always appreciate your drawings of UFC from the goid days of UFC. "Tank" Abbott has to be my fav. Although I don't remember you doing "polar bear" , he was a favorite of mine.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i wanna be drawn with big areolas hehe
